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Agreement on collaboration between the State Customs Service and "Ukrzovnishtrans" The State Customs Service of Ukraine in the person of Head Yegorov Olexandr Borysovych, acting on the basis of the Regulations on the State Customs Service of Ukraine, on the one hand, and the Association of Ukrainian transport-forwarding companies "Ukrzovnishtrans” in the person of General Director Novikov Yevhen Petrovych, acting on the basis of the Association Charter, on the other hand (hereafter the Parties), taking into account the necessity of creating efficient techniques of realization of strategies for Ukraine’s affirmation as a transit country, implementation of the international law regulations and world standards into the current legislation of Ukraine, interaction in the process of resolution matters on simplification and acceleration of the Customs procedures, have concluded the Agreement on the following: 1. The Parties collaborate in the process of analyzing, development and improvement of the regulating-legal basis, regulating the transport-forwarding activity in Ukraine. 2. The Parties shall work out a common program on examination and implementation of the international standards regulating the foreign-economic activity of forwarders to the Ukrainian legislation. This program shall consider the UNO conventions as well as other international agreements on simplification of trading procedures. 3. On common meetings the Parties shall consider matters on simplification and harmonization of the Customs procedures at foreign-economic affairs, taking into account the new principles of logistics: running delivery chains, principles of the "single window", "single office", electronic business operations etc. 4. A special attention shall be paid to the future development of national strategies on strengthening Ukraine’s transit potential, application of various factors for the transit support (such as the Convention of the MDP of 1975) and standards of electronic document circulation. 5. In order to establish an efficient cooperation, the Parties exchange information and requests by electronic communication means. If one of the Parties possesses information that may be of interest for the other Party, they may provide this information to the other Party on its initiative. 6. The Parties exchange consultations with the purpose of achievement agreements for a more efficient completion of the Agreement. 7. Amendments to the Agreement may be introduced exclusively on an approved decision of both the Parties. Rescinding of the Agreement is possible exclusively on the Parties’ agreement with an initiator’s notification of the other Party ÇÎ days before a supposed date of rescinding. 8. The relationships between the Parties that are not regulated by the Agreement shall be regulated by the current legislation of Ukraine. 9. The Agreement comes into force since the moment of its signing by the Parties and is valid until May 31, 2007. 10. The Agreement has been concluded in two copies of equal juridical force, a copy per each Party. |
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European Association of Ukrainian Transport Companies © 2006