Information about Membership in      the EAUTC

Collaboration with the MASS-MEDIA

Innovations and investments

      At present the members of Association carrying out their foreign-economic activity in the direction of the ITC-5 have initiated establishment of a commodity exchange on the border with the UN.  The commodity exchange should become an efficient tool for activating barter operations between the countries of the UN and the CIS.

1.The Association of Transport-Forwarding Organizations of Ukraine "Ukrzovnishtrans"

2.Ukrainian Union of Manufacturers and Entrepreneurs (UUME)
3. Magazine "Transport and Logistics"

4. ²nformation-business magazine "Capital-city Express"



The Association ‘EAUTC’ has worked out the Conception of Establishment of the International Transport-Logistic Center (ITLC) in Chop (at the territory of Ukraine) on the border with the EU.

About the Association:Activity:Members of The EAUTC:Legal page:News:Contacts
 European Association of Ukrainian Transport Companies © 2006