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The summary of the forum "International Forwarder’s Day" On May 30-31, 2006 in Odessa, in conference hall of the «Odessa» hotel, there was held the forum “International Forwarder’s Day», during which there were held meetings and conferences. The «International Forwarder’s Day» was organized by the closed JSC «PLASKE» together with the National member of the FIATA, the Association of Ukrainian transport-forwarding companies «Ukrvneshtrans» and the Association «European Union of Ukrainian Transport Companies». The Transcarpathian region was represented at the forum by the Head of standing commission on matters of the regional council budget, co-chairman of the Association “European Union of Ukrainian Transport Companies”, F.Kharuta and the President of the Carpathian Centre of the Association, V.Parokonna. On May 30 there was a conference at which there were represented reports of those who had been working out standards of the international forwarders’ professional training (FIATA), of organizers of the training at the national level from Bulgary (the Association of forwarders), Ukraine (the Association «Ukrzovnishtrans»,the «Plaske» CJSC, the ÀSMÀP), Russia (the Association of forwarders), of participants of the EU project on training forwarders of cargoes along the international transport corridor TRACECA (NEA). On May 31 at the morning meeting the conference participants were represented and discussed reports dealing with «The role of transport corridors in the process of Ukraine’s integration into the EU and the WTλ. An increased interest of Western-European representatives to the discussed subject-matter was proved by the reports on behalf of international logistic associations (CLECAT) and multimodal transport (IMMTA), the NEA-TRACECA institute and the Committee of the Organization of Cooperating Railroads (ÎÑR). During the second half of the conference on the same day there were represented reports of Ukrainian participants (the Association of «European Union of Ukrainian Transport Companies») and representatives of state bodies (the Cabinet of Ministers, the State Customs Service, the Ministry of Transport), and also of the enterprises (USCÒS, «Lisky») , the major of which were the following reports: - The role of the 5-th international transport corridor in ensuring Eurasian transport-trading relations and in stimulating Ukraine’s economics; - The role of combined transportation in the network of international transport corridors; - Propositions on improvement of the transport-forwarding activity; - Major peculiarities of cargoes and transport means passing the border of Ukraine and prospects of simplification of the Customs formalities; - Development of transport corridors at the territory of Ukraine; - Prospects of the ITC development in Ukraine within the years of 2006 – 2010. After representation of the reports on the accumulated experience in organization of the training process for international forwarders according to the FIATA program in Bulgaria, Russia, Ukraine and the reports on prospects of the ITC development for the period of 2006-2010, as well as those on the role and prospects of simplification of the Customs procedures on cargoes admittance through the border of Ukraine the conference participants suggested: - to make meetings for professional forwarders in hero-city Odessa, in the largest international trading sea port, a good tradition. First of all, the forwarding branch gets greater acknowledgment in the government authorities of Ukraine. Cargo owners consider Ukrainian forwarders to be reliable organizers of valuable cargoes transportation. - the common world tradition of estimating capacities of the transport system of any country according to the level of transportation provision of trading contracts, that had formed for the last 80 years thanks to efforts of international forwarders of the FIATA, received greater recognition in Ukraine; - the modern level of forwarding provision, in its turn, could be achieved due to a professional training based on the FIATA standards; - the issue on organization of efficient work of all the transport system of Ukraine is a priority one together with Ukraine’s future joining the WÒÎ and the process of integration into the European Union; - transport complex is an important component in the structure of Ukrainian economics that satisfies requirements of its branches and the population, and is also the determinant factor of realization of the country’s considerable and beneficial geostrategic potential; - services of the branch enterprises in Ukraine’s economics make up 70% of total volumes of the national service market. - Ukraine supports foreign trading relations with 201 countries all over the world. The world trade growth demonstrated nowadays by the countries of Eastern Europe, CIS, Asia, China and a number of other world regions is the basis for Ukraine’s transport potential development; - every year over 200 mln. tons of cargoes pass the territory of Ukraine by transit just in the direction to the countries of the EU by railway and automobile transport; - in order to ensure the development of the transportations in the network of the international transport corridors passing through the territory of Ukraine, during 1998 - 2005 there have been invested about 10 mlrd. UAH. There has also been approved a new program on the ITC development, according to which by 2015 the railroad and highway networks should reach the level of European standards; |
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European Association of Ukrainian Transport Companies © 2006